The Value of Routine

I’m probably not the only one that gets overwhelmed with how much they need to get done during the day and feel like there is an endless list of things to do and commitments that require my attention. Thinking about establishing a routine might feel like another task to complete, but it’s been shown to help create greater productivity and overall well-being. Here are some examples of why a daily routine matters. 

It creates efficiency and productivity. By mapping out your day and scheduling time for specific tasks, you can streamline your activities and make the most of your time. Instead of feeling aimless throughout the day, a routine provides clarity and direction. It allows you to focus your energy where it is most needed. This will also enhance your time management. When things have a specific time allocated to them, we feel more included to accomplish the task. Being strategic about what takes priority and how much time is needed helps to prevent procrastination and ensure that you make continued progress. And consistent progress. 

As uncertainty can create anxiety and stress, a daily routine brings a sense of stability and predictability to your life. Knowing what’s coming up can help to alleviate stress and help you to approach the day with confidence and calmness. When you are able to stick to that schedule, you can also create habits that become a part of your schedule. Being able to prioritize your tasks and your day helps you focus on what’s important and free up your mind for those priorities. 

It has also been shown that creating a balanced routine promotes health and overall well being. Having a well balanced routine includes time for exercise, healthy eating, adequate sleep and time for self care. When these activities are prioritized, it enhances your personal motivation to accomplish tasks and engage with others. When we feel good about ourselves and our own decisions and progress, we feel more inclined to interact with others and feel more positive. It helps to boost our mental health and enhances our energy. 

All this is great and all, but many clients will ask what does a daily routine even look like? If you’ve never had one to begin with, how do you know where to start? Here are some examples of what a daily routine can look like. And keep in mind these are just some ideas. We each have different priorities and our routines are going to look different. Finding what works best for your lifestyle is important to remember when creating a routine. 

Example of a morning routine: 

-Wake up at the same time every day. 

-Immediately drink a glass of water. 

-Practice mindfulness or meditation for 5 minutes. 

-Exercise for 30 minutes to an hour. 

Example of a workday routine:

-Start with the most important tasks.

-Take breaks between meetings and tasks before starting something else. 

-Schedule time to eat and go for a short walk. 

-Set your schedule for the next day. 

Example of an evening routine: 

-Start winding down an hour before you want to be asleep. 

-Disconnect from screens for at least 30 minutes before bedtime. 

-Journal for a few minutes about the day and reflect on the positives of the day. 

-Start a bedtime routine of washing your face, brushing your face, locking up the house etc. 

Trying out one or all of these examples could be what you need to gain more control over your life. Whether you’re striving for more productivity or better health, creating a sense of balance can be the key to your success. Don’t wait till life is “less busy” because you will always be waiting. Start today and start small. Decide how you want your day and evening to look like and take small steps to implement changes. You will start to see small changes in your thinking and behavior and give you the peace you are looking for in your daily life.