About Annalisa

I am from the Pacific Northwest and currently reside on Oahu, Hawaii with my husband and our new baby girl! I greatly enjoy the outdoors, which sometimes means just going to the beach for the afternoon. I believe creating balance in my life is important and I also instill this in my clients because I know how difficult it can be to have a life that has purpose but is also enjoyable! I founded Walk In Freedom with the goal and purpose of helping young women develop the freedom and courage to live a life full of purpose and joy. I am passionate about helping women work through anxiety and understanding emotions as these topics seem to be hindering them from living a life empowered and full of hope. They want to be free but don’t always know how to get there. Seeing my clients smile at the end of a session and see the freedom they are starting to see in their lives is what Walk In Freedom is all about.

I am a Licensed Professional Counselor with State of Oregon. 

My Mission

I am a firm believer in creating change even though it’s hard at times as the motivation may be there but the will is not. I enjoy working with individuals who are working towards finding wholeness and wanting to be able to experience true freedom in their lives. We all have the capacity for change and living a life full of joy and empowerment. Through our own experiences we learn ways to cope and deal with the stress of our lives and sometimes those skills are more destructive than empowering. However, that doesn’t mean we can’t change how we think or how we act. I have learned through my own therapy the importance of taking care of ourselves so we can be there for others and support others through their struggles. Being able to create meaningful connections brings about change and support systems we need in order to live lives with meaning and purpose.

I am here for you.

I am passionate about helping women who are striving to find balance and empowerment in their lives. My clients come to me saying they are so anxious they can’t think straight and need help to manage their anxiety. They start to notice how they are easily triggered emotionally and don’t understand why. I have had others reach out as they are struggling to find meaning in their lives and in their relationships. They struggle to connect with people and express themselves. They come ready to work on themselves and be open to growth and change which is not always easy! Counseling can help you gain understanding of yourself and why you think a certain way or behave a certain way as well. You will have the opportunity to express yourself and talk about things you may not feel comfortable talking about with others. Counseling is a sacred space and is meant to help create a space for growth as well. We will work to gain and develop skills to find the balance you desire in your life. Through the integration of your mind, body, and spirit, we will help you develop the life you have beens thriving to find.

Reach out to me today!

Please complete the form below to schedule an appointment.
I will try my best to accommodate your request and will be in touch ASAP.

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